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寺山修司は "芝居は文学ではない "と考えていた。寺山修司は、自分の言葉を本の中に閉じ込めるのではなく、俳優の声によって命を吹き込み、世に送り出した。東京、青森、フランス、ドイツ......。ヨーロッパ各地で「市街劇」と呼ばれたユニークな上演の詳細を、初公開の写真を交えて紹介する。また、寺山自身の写真作品や貴重な記録写真も多数収録する。

Trajectory of the theater laboratory "TENJO SAJIKI" with selected photos from about 20,000 photographs and Shuji Terayama's dialogues. Commemorating the 30th anniversary of Shuji Terayama's death.

This book introduces the unique philosophy and activities of Shuji Terayama, from his teens as a literary boy in Aomori, to his 20s as a playwright, to the establishment of the theater company "TENJO SAJIKI", and finally to the challenge to the world.
Shuji Terayama believed that "plays are not literature." He did not confine his words to books, but brought them to life through the voices of actors, and sent them out into the world. Tokyo, Aomori, France, Germany, etc. The details of these unique performances, known as "city plays" in various parts of Europe, will be introduced, including photographs that are being shown for the first time. In addition, a wealth of photographic works by Terayama himself and many rare documentary photographs will be included.

日東書院 NIttoshoin
21 x 15 x 2.8 cm
255 pages

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