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1953年、シュルレアリスム運動の創始者であるアンドレ・ブルトンが、フランスの大手出版社から依頼されたテーマに基づく。この依頼は「芸術の形態」(‘Forms of Art’)と題された野心的な複数巻のテーマ別調査の一環であり、『魔術的芸術』(L'Art magique)はその最初の作品となる予定だった。ブルトンはこの提案を受け入れたが、すぐにその難しさを認識した。というのも、このシリーズが探求しようとするあらゆるカテゴリーの中で、「魔術」が最も定義されていなかったからである。


さらに問題だったのは、魔術に対する現代の学問の立場が明らかに確立していたことと、ブルトンの手法に対する懸念だった。締め切りが迫る中、ブルトンは回答者の一人であるジェラール・ルグランに助けられながら『L'Art magique』の執筆を進めたが、自分のアンケートが大きく誤解されていることに後悔の念を抱いていた。


This book is of unique place and importance to the history of Surrealism.
It is based on a theme commissioned in 1953 by André Breton, the founder of the Surrealist movement, from a major French publishing house. The commission was part of an ambitious multi-volume thematic survey entitled "Forms of Art" ('Forms of Art'), of which "L'Art magique" was to be the first. Breton accepted the proposal, but quickly realized the difficulties involved. Of all the categories the series would explore, "magic" was the least defined.

In his initial approach, Breton felt that magic was implicit in many works of art of ancient and later tribal societies and could be found in the work of certain post-medieval artists, artists who presented what he called "the enigmatic aspect" as a trait. Aware of his own bias as a Surrealist, Breton sent a questionnaire to hundreds of people working in the fields of sociology, ethnology, philosophy, art history and criticism, psychology, esotericism, art, and poetry, asking for their own views through five questions.

Among those who responded to Breton's 1955 question were Claude Lévi-Strauss, André Malraux, Leonora Carrington, René Magritte, Roger Caillois, Herbert Read, Georges Bataille Julius Evola, Martin Heidegger, Wolfgang Paalen, Octavio Paz, Benjamin Péret, Pierre Molinier and Milo Rigaud, but despite these prominent names, no clear consensus was reached.

More problematic was the clearly established position of modern scholarship on witchcraft and concerns about Breton's methods. With the deadline looming, Breton proceeded to write L'Art magique with the help of one of his respondents, Gérard Legrand, who expressed regret that his questionnaire had been so widely misunderstood.

It is certainly a labor of love for Breton. Let us read the history of art in Breton's style.

アンドレ・ブルトン Andre Breton 
巖谷 國士 翻訳監修  Iwaya Kunio Translation Supervisor
河出書房新社 Kawade Shobo Shinsha
22.2 x 17.4 x 2.7cm
270 pages

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