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Cultural Software : a Theory of Ideology

Cultural Software : a Theory of Ideology

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J.M. Balkin, a law professor at Yale Law School, proposes a theory of cultural evolution based on the idea of "cultural software." The theory explains shared understandings, disagreements, and diversity within cultures. Drawing on many fields of study, including anthropology, evolutionary theory, cognitive science, linguistics, sociology, political theory, philosophy, social psychology, and law, the author explores how cultures grow and spread, how common understandings emerge, and how people from different cultures can understand and appreciate each other's views. They explore. Cultural evolution, Balkin says, occurs through the transmission of cultural information and know-how, or "cultural software," in the human mind. Individuals embody cultural software and spread it to others through communication and social learning. Ideology, the author argues, is neither a particular nor pathological form of thought, but a product of the evolution of cultural software. Because cultural understanding is a patchwork of old, imperfect tools that are constantly adapted to solve new problems, human understanding is partly adequate and partly inadequate to the pursuit of justice. Balkin offers numerous examples that illuminate the roots of ideological influence and its contribution to injustice. He also enters the debate over multiculturalism, applying his theory to the problem of mutual understanding between people with different worldviews. He argues that cultural understanding presupposes a transcendent ideal and shows how both ideological analysis of the other and ideological self-criticism are possible.

J.M. Balkin
Yale University Press
23.4 x 15.8 x 1.6 cm
335 pages
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