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Digital Fabrications: Architectural and Material Techniques

Digital Fabrications: Architectural and Material Techniques

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この "ファイルから工場へ "のプロセスにより、建築家は複雑な形状や二重曲面のプロジェクトを実現できるだけでなく、既製品の建築部材への依存から解放され、これまで想像もできなかったような複雑なプロジェクトが可能になる。

The adoption of digital fabrication in architecture has made it possible to achieve the extreme forms made possible by digital fabrication. Designs created on a computer can be transferred to computer-controlled machines that create the actual building components.
This "file to factory" process not only allows architects to realize projects with complex shapes and double curved surfaces, but also frees them from dependence on off-the-shelf building components, making possible projects of previously unimaginable complexity.

Author Lisa Iwamoto presents the methods architects use to reconcile digital design with physical form.
The book is organized by five different digital fabrication techniques: tessellating, sectioning, folding, contouring, and forming. Projects are shown in both finished form and as working drawings, templates, and prototypes, allowing the reader to see each fantastic building process unfold. Digital Fabrications showcases projects designed and built by up-and-coming architects who pioneer technology and experiment with small-scale fabrication processes with a DIY attitude.
The architects featured are,

The architects featured are,掲載されている建築家は:Ammar Eloueini/DIGIT-AL Studio、Elena Manferdini、Brennan Buck、Michael Meredith/MOS、Office dA、Mafoomby、URBAN A+O、SYSTEM Architects、Andrew Kudless、IwamotoScott、Howeler Yoon、Hitoshi Abe、Chris Bosse、Tom Wiscombe/Emergent、Jeremy Ficca、SPAN、Urban A&O、Gnuform、Heather Roberge、Patterns、Servoなど。

Lisa Iwamoto
 Princeton Architectural Press
21.5 x 17.8 x 1 cm
144 pages

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