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Hal's Legacy: 2001'S Computer As Dream and Reality

Hal's Legacy: 2001'S Computer As Dream and Reality

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2001: A Space Odyssey," written by Arthur C. Clarke and directed by the genius Stanley Kubrick, is an expert discussion of the functions of the artificial intelligence HAL in the film by leading computer scientists and other researchers. The book is a masterpiece that promotes understanding of artificial intelligence research, using beautiful data to explain what leads to today's state-of-the-art artificial intelligence technologies, such as emotional analysis, natural language analysis, object analysis, reasoning, and games. Cognitive scientist Daniel Dennett's discussion of the ethical implications of intelligent machines is also a very current issue.
It is also an important discussion point in terms of the history of artificial intelligence development.
The thorough editorial of the original edition, which cannot be seen in the Japanese translation of the book in Japan, should also be noted.

David G. Stork
The MIT Press
23.5 x 21 x 2.6 cm
384 pages 

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