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Hello. I'm Erica Jong

Hello. I'm Erica Jong

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キャシー・アッカー(Kathy Acker)の話に、マイケル・マクラード(Michael McClard)のイラストによる貴重な小冊子の絵本で1982年に出版され、ここで出ているのは1988年の第3版。イラストも効いていて、キャシー・アッカーのファンにはぴったり。

A rare little picture book of stories by Kathy Acker with illustrations by Michael McClard, first published in 1982 and out here in a third edition in 1988. The illustrations work well. The book is perfect for fans of Kathy Acker.
Kathy Acker, born in 1947 and died in 1997 at age 50, was an experimental novelist, playwright, essayist, and postmodernist writer. Although she is said to have been a literary influence on William Burroughs and the poet David Antin, her style cannot be described in terms of a mold.
She grew up in a wealthy neighborhood in New York City, but ran away from home at the age of 18 and worked as a stripper. While working in the sex industry, she became known in the New York art scene and was photographed by Robert Mapplethorpe. The name Acker was the surname of her husband from her second marriage, and she continued to use it after her brief marriage to composer Peter Gordon.
She wrote 77 books, which are experimental, playful, provocative, and discontinuous.
The story also uses the name of novelist Erica Jong, whose sensational novel "Fear of Flying" was published in 1973.

Kathy Acker
Contact II Publications
1988 (3rd edition)
21.4 x 17.6 x 0.3 cm
No pagination

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