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Hylozoic Soil geotextile installation 1995-2007

Hylozoic Soil geotextile installation 1995-2007

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Hylozoic Soilは、フィリップ・ビーズリーのインスタレーション作品で、数十のマイクロプロセッサーによって駆動される分散型センサーネットワークを実装し、形状記憶合金のアクチュエーターが、透明アクリル製の羽毛や葉脈のような有機的でクリスタルな美しい形状を動かし、サンゴのように、あるいは群生した食虫植物のように反応する。



Hylozoic Soil is an installation by Philippe Beasley that implements a distributed sensor network driven by dozens of microprocessors, and shape memory alloy actuators that create beautiful organic, crystalline shapes like transparent acrylic feathers and leaf veins that They move and react like coral or a group of insectivorous plants.

Philip Beasley is a cross-disciplinary artist, designer, and university professor. A practitioner of architecture and digital media art, his work is widely recognized in the art and architecture fields for his contributions to the field of responsive and interactive systems.

This book provides a detailed look at the details of his designs and the systems of his complex machines.

Philip Beesley
Riverside Architectural Press
23 x 19.8 x 1.9 cm
182 pages
DVD included
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