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Self Sufficient City: Envisioning the Habitat of the Future: 3rd Advanced Architecture

Self Sufficient City: Envisioning the Habitat of the Future: 3rd Advanced Architecture

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カタルーニャ高等建築研究所とテクノロジー企業HPが開催した"Self Sufficient City(自給自足都市)"をテーマにした国際コンテスト。コンテストは、社会的、文化的、技術的な変化を踏まえて、我々が近い将来どのように生きていくかを考えるためのものである。本書は、参加者708件の中から最終選考に残った107件のプロジェクトを紹介している。
 スペインのセルヒオ・カスティーヨ・テロとマリア・エルナンデス・エンリケスが提案した「HURBS」と、アメリカのライチー・エスピノーサとセス・マクダウェルが提案した「WATER FUEL」なども所収。

An international contest on the theme of "Self Sufficient City" organized by tThe Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia  and the technology company HP. The contest was intended to reflect on how we will live in the near future in light of social, cultural, and technological changes. This publication presents 107 projects that were selected as finalists out of 708 participants.
It is interesting to see the short, medium, and long-term projects proposed, including connected metropolises, eco-neighborhoods, self-sufficient buildings, and intelligent houses.
HURBS, proposed by Sergio Castillo Tello and Maria Hernandez Enriquez of Spain, and WATER FUEL, proposed by Raichie Espinosa and Seth McDowell of the United States, are also included.

Vicente Guallart
Actar; English edition
16 x 12 x 2.4cm
No pagination

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