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The Future of Art in a Postdigital Age: From Hellenistic to Hebraic Consciousness Second Edition

The Future of Art in a Postdigital Age: From Hellenistic to Hebraic Consciousness Second Edition

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著者メル・アレクセンバーグは、アーティストであり教育者でもある。この『The Future of Art in a Postdigital Age(ポストデジタル時代における芸術の未来)』において、西洋文化のヘレニズム的ルーツからヘブライ的ルーツへのパラダイム・シフトを明らかにするポストデジタルの未来像を提示する。この本が書かれた時よりも、あらためて現在の国際情勢の観点に照らしあわすとさらに興味深い。

Author Mel Alexenberg is an artist and educator. In "The Future of Art in a Postdigital Age", he presents a postdigital vision of the future that reveals a paradigm shift in Western culture from its Hellenistic roots to its Hebraic roots. It is even more interesting in light of the current international context, again more so than when the book was written.
He goes beyond the digital to explore the post-digital perspectives that emerge from the creative encounter of art, science, technology, and human consciousness. The interrelationship of these perspectives marks the confluence of post-digital art and the dynamic, Jewish structure of consciousness. Alexenberg's post-digital futurism is a fusion of the spiritual and technological realms.

Mel Alexenberg
Intellect Ltd
23.6 x 18 x 2 cm
269 pages

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